As a public advocate for energy efficiency initiatives in what Forbes calls the “hottest clean energy economy” in the country, EEA-NJ works in coalition with business members, nonprofit partners, and other stakeholders to extend the health and economic benefits of energy efficiency to all Garden State citizens.
EEA-NJ promotes:

Deploying Federal Funding Right
EEA-NJ and our sister organization, the Keystone Energy Efficiency Alliance, work closely with member businesses to shape how historical infusions of federal funding from the Inflation Reduction Act.

Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy, or C-PACE, is a financing tool for local governments to help facilitate energy efficiency and clean energy loans. Nationally, half a billion dollars has been invested through C-PACE loans, and many industry experts expect that number to double in the next few years.
EEA-NJ plans to support any C-PACE-enabling legislation forthcoming from Governor Murphy’s office.

In June of 2019, New Jersey re-joined the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cap-and-invest program designed to curb carbon emissions. Already the state has participated in a multi-state auction that yielded $91.6 million for the states to reinvest in energy efficiency programs and clean energy initiatives.
EEA-NJ supports the investment of RGGI proceeds into energy efficiency programs, which return the highest value at the least cost to the state.
Read more about EEA-NJ’s positions on RGGI proceeds below:

Green Bank
In his 2021 budget proposal, Governor Murphy announced the creation of a Green Bank to leverage private and public funds for clean energy. The state is currently taking comments on how to set up the Green Bank, and EEA-NJ plans share the collective position of its membership.